- Mar 28All dayNational TournamentThe Movin' Mavs and the Lady Movin' Mavs will participate in a national wheelchair basketball tournament.
- Mar 28All daySolace in Painting: Reflecting on a Tumultuous CenturySolace in Painting: Reflecting on a Tumultuous Century will be open at the Gallery at UTA, Feb. 4-March 29, 2025An opening gala and panel featuring Ann Phong, Yukio Lippit, and Fletcher Coleman will be held Friday, February 7, 5:30-7:30pm, in The Gallery at UTAContemporary art discourse is often driven by an unspoken interest in trauma. But what of artists from underrepresented communities whose lives were altered by conflicts of the twentieth century, yet who chose to never directly represent their traumatic experiences? “Solace in Painting” explores how we characterize and raise awareness about artwork of conflicted artists of the Asian diaspora who never produced overt “conflict art.” This traveling exhibition features three little-researched diasporic painters—Chao Shao-an (1905-1998), Keisho Okayama (1934- 2018), and Ann Phong (1957-)—brought together through their unusual and oblique approaches to painting shared experiences of major conflicts in Asia.Curated by Dr. Fletcher Coleman, assistant professor of art history and museum studies at UTA, with an exhibition catalogue produced by Scala Arts and Heritage Publishers Ltd., featuring contributions by Dr. Coleman and Dr. Yukio Lippit of Harvard University. Following its conclusion at UTA, the exhibition will travel to the UNO Gallery, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Sept. 2-Oct. 31, 2025
- Mar 289:00 AM2025 EGSA ConferenceThe 2025 English Graduate Student Association (EGSA) Conference will be held on Friday, March 28, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Chemistry and Physics building, Room 303. This year's theme, "Networks of Power and Agency," will feature graduate student research and presentations that explore the power dynamics of networked systems as they relate to gender, sexuality, race, class, and differently-abled bodies. Many of our presenters have adopted an interdisciplinary approach to this theme and include topics ranging from flat butt gaming, fungal horror, and the neurogothic.The conference will feature a keynote speaker, Dr. Kimbely Owczarski, and her presentation titled ‘I Will Tell My Stories My Way’: Taylor Sheridan and Navigating Notions of Authorial Power and Agency during the 2023 WGA Strike.Any members of the UTA community are invited to attend this conference to enjoy and learn from our graduate students! Lunch will be included, but an RSVP is required! RSVP at: https://linktr.ee/utaegsa
- Mar 289:00 AMCosmic Cartography ExhibitDo you like Space? Do you like Maps? How about maps of space?! UTA Special Collections is proud to present a new exhibition titled Cosmic Cartography . Featuring maps and charts dating from 1548 to 2024, the exhibit explores humanity's desire to explain our understanding of the universe through maps. In the exhibit, you will see maps that explore the model of the universe - from the ancients who believed in an Earth-centered system to Copernicus who put the Sun at the center, and beyond; maps of our Solar System and planetary bodies; and maps that explore Constellations and the Zodiac.Giveaways will be available while supplies last!The exhibit is located on the sixth floor of Central Library in Special Collections. It is open Tuesday through Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Mar 289:00 AMFables & Folklore: Selections from the UTA Asian Art CollectionFables are stories that are often told to underscore a moral that is prominent or important in a society. Dating as far back as 1500 BCE, some of the world’s oldest fables originate in the Asian diaspora. These stories have been shared across the continent through oracular storytelling, literature, and compellingly beautiful artforms that illustrate and underscore their social philosophies.On view for the Spring 2025 semester, the tradition of Ðông Hò woodcut painting exemplifies this form of inspirational visual interpretation, sharing symbols of good luck wishes for the New Year and humorous tales of animals who have been placed into human settings. Also on display are a series of Chinese and Japanese woodblock prints that narrate stories of Immortals and supernatural, legendary figures as well as traditional landscapes and nature scenes.Throughout the semester, you are invited to celebrate these works and their messages of hope, positivity, and wisdom.Monday, February 3 – Friday, April 25; 9am – 5pm. Visual Resource Collections & Gallery, Ste. 2109, Fine Arts Building, 2nd floor.An opening Reception will be held Friday, February 7, 5:30 – 7:00pm. Light refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be provided.For more information about this exhibition or the UTA Fine Art Collections, please contact cherylm@uta.edu.
- Mar 289:00 AMSpring 2025 IRB Mini-ConferenceIf you conduct human subject research or would like to learn more about the IRB process, please join us for the IRB Mini-Conference in virtual format on Friday, March 28, from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Topics will include human subject research, informed consent, recruitment of subjects, submissions to the IRB, and protecting human subject electronic data. Faculty, staff, and students are welcome!To register and submit questions, visit the following link: https://utaedu.questionpro.com/spring2025miniconf.For more information, please contact regulatoryservices@uta.edu.
- Mar 289:00 AM"Women's Work: Visualizing 20th Century Women in the Archives" Mini-ExhibitIn celebration of Women's History Month, UTA Special Collections will have a mini-exhibit on display showcasing items in the collection relating to women's history. On display will be a blanket-scarf, crocheted to portray how women's history is represented in the archives. Special Collections invites the UTA community to learn more and view the mini-exhibit during the Central Library's open hours, starting March 3-31. The exhibit is located just outside the doors of Special Collections in the Atrium, located on the sixth floor of the Central Library.
- Mar 2812:00 PMGroup Exercise - PilatesThe Pilates Method is a full-body conditioning program that develops deep abdominal and back strength, together with increased flexibiity and ease of movement. This class is aimed at "core stability," designed to work on lengthening muscles to help tone and strengthen muscles, using breathing to enhance relaxation.
- Mar 2812:00 PMGrowing Federally-Funded Research ProgramsPlease join the Center for Proposal Development and The Conafay Group, Online or in person, to discuss Growing & Diversifying Federally-Funded Research Programs. This workshop is open to any UTA faculty, staff, or students interested in learning more about growing federally-funded research programs. RSVP is required for in-person attendance.
- Mar 2812:00 PMHonors Colloquium with Dr. Ann CavalloDr. Ann Cavallo, interim dean for the College of Education and distinguished University professor of science education, will speak at the last Honors Colloquium of the spring semester.
- Mar 2812:00 PMNASNTI Mar 2025 MeetingAttend the Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institution Network monthly meeting. All are welcome. This will be an in-person meeting with Teams option. Join Teams here.
- Mar 2812:00 PMPublic Speaking Workshop with Dr. Daniel UseraThe Public Speaking Workshop, hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research, is an opportunity for students to enhance their communication and presentation skills. Led by Dr. Daniel Usera, the workshop will cover fundamental techniques to improve public speaking confidence and effectiveness.
- Mar 2812:00 PM"Solace in Painting" Exhibition Closing Curatorial WalkthroughDr. Fletcher Coleman, Assistant Professor of Art History, invites the UTA community to a closing curatorial walkthrough of the exhibition, Solace in Painting: Reflecting on a Tumultuous Century from 12:00-1:00pm on Friday, March 28, in The Gallery at UTA. Featuring three diasporic artists, Chao Shao-an (1905-1998), Keisho Okayama (1934-2018), and Ann Phong (1957-), the show is the first national traveling exhibition originated by UTA and will travel to the University of Nebraska, Omaha, after closing at UTA on March 29.In addition, Dr. Coleman is happy to announce that the scholarly catalog produced for the exhibition has been awarded "2025 Outstanding Catalog Produced by a University or College Department" by the Midwest Art History Society (MAHS). This is the 22nd year that MAHS has hosted its annual catalog awards, and the professional organization is one of the few that holds a dedicated exhibition catalog competition. The catalog and exhibition will be recognized next month at the MAHS annual conference in Denver.We hope to see you at the curatorial walkthrough and, if not, be sure to catch the exhibition before it closes on March 29!
- Mar 281:30 PMGroup Exercise - YogaThis mind and body class utilizes yoga movements to improve your flexibility, posture, strength, and balance, bringing attention and focus to your breath while continuously flowing from one posture to the next.
- Mar 281:30 PMLife Science Town HallAttend a town hall meeting to discuss the renovation of the Life Science Building. The meeting will be held in person at the Social Work/College of Nursing and Health Innovation Smart Hospital building, Room 225, and also via Microsoft Teams.Meetings are scheduled for the fourth Friday of every month.
- Mar 283:00 PMGroup Exercise - Spin to WinParticipate in a 45-minute cycle class working on speed, strength, and endurance while listening to popular pop music hits! This class is limited to 12 participants.
- Mar 284:00 PMGroup Exercise - ZumbaGet ready to work on your inner self! This exhilarating and inspiring class is easy to follow. This Latin-inspired dancing that feels like a fitness party will move you!
- Mar 286:00 PMUTA Baseball vs. California Baptist UniversityUTA Baseball will host a series against California Baptist University on March 28 at 6 p.m.!UTA Students get in for free, and tickets are available for purchase for the general public at utatickets.com!
- Mar 287:30 PMGraduate Student Recital: Gabriel Estrada, percussionGabriel Estrada, a student at UTA, will take the stage to share their passion for music with the audience. This recital promises a delightful experience of beautiful melodies and impressive musical talent.This performance is free and open to the public. It takes place in Irons Recital Hall, FA105, located in the South Section of the Fine Arts Building.The doors open approximately 30 minutes before the performance time.No food or drink, aside from bottled water, is allowed in the recital hall.Parking is available in the West Campus Garage, and ADA parking is available at the meters on Nedderman Drive in front of Texas Hall. Visit the parking page for more information.
- Mar 29All dayFall 2025 Vocal AuditionsAll students applying for admission to the UTA Department of Music must complete an audition. The admission audition will also serve as the scholarship audition.Students are encouraged to audition on campus during the audition dates. Individual auditions may be arranged, if necessary, but it is recommended that students complete the audition process before May 1 for the fall 2025 semester. Please apply early if you wish to be considered for a scholarship.All admission applicants must complete an application/audition form, which can be found on the Department of Music main page. Please ensure your contact information is correct and current so we can schedule your audition.
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